Patriotic Eagle Celebrating 4th of July clipart

This clipart image features a cartoon eagle wearing a hat styled like the American flag. The eagle holds a flaming torch and is adorned with patriotic accessories, including a bowtie and a medal featuring stars and stripes. Behind the eagle is a large shield shape with the word July at the top and Holidays! at the bottom. Both texts are in a bold, stylized font. The eagle stands atop some golden fireworks or bursts, and the background color is red, enhancing the patriotic theme of the image, suggesting connections to the 4th of July - Independence Day in the United States.

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This clipart image features a cartoon eagle wearing a hat styled like the American flag. The eagle holds a flaming torch and is adorned with patriotic accessories, including a bowtie and a medal featuring stars and stripes. Behind the eagle is a large shield shape with the word July at the top and Holidays! at the bottom. Both texts are in a bold, stylized font. The eagle stands atop some golden fireworks or bursts, and the background color is red, enhancing the patriotic theme of the image, suggesting connections to the 4th of July - Independence Day in the United States.

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72dpi 432 x 429 px
GIF: Best used for images with less than 64 colors, like clipart.
Image #: 142403
Usage License: Personal & Commercial
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