John Adams clipart

This clipart image features a caricature of a historical figure that resembles an American Founding Father, particularly suggesting the appearance of the second president of the United States based on the clues provided. The caricature is animated, with exaggerated facial features for comedic effect. The character is wearing a red colonial-era coat with a white shirt and frilly collar, knee-length breeches, white stockings, and black colonial-style shoes with buckles. He is also holding a paper or document in his hand, which may suggest the individual's involvement with important historical documents or laws.

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This clipart image features a caricature of a historical figure that resembles an American Founding Father, particularly suggesting the appearance of the second president of the United States based on the clues provided. The caricature is animated, with exaggerated facial features for comedic effect. The character is wearing a red colonial-era coat with a white shirt and frilly collar, knee-length breeches, white stockings, and black colonial-style shoes with buckles. He is also holding a paper or document in his hand, which may suggest the individual's involvement with important historical documents or laws.

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Image #: 157933
Usage License: Personal & Commercial
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